Every student wants to feel like a very important person, but the opportunities to become a classroom VIP often disappear once students leave the early primary grades. And…
I had the opportunity to participate in my first ever Twitter Chat this evening, put on by @BCEdChat all about parent involvement. It was a great way to…
Take a look at the lesson Keely and I adapted and improved upon, found originally on Common Sense Education. It’s all about cyberbullying and being upstanders and allies,…
While reading Social LEADia: Moving Students from Digital Citizenship to Digital Leadership, Chapter 1, By: Jennifer Casa-Todd… Something I learned was that the American Academy of Pediatrics actually…
Social learning communities are changing the way people access, discuss, interpret, and create information. “Social learning” can be defined as a change in understanding that goes beyond the…
According to opensource.com “open education is a philosophy about the way people should produce, share, and build on knowledge.” Open education is something that I find both fascinating…
Open education is something that I find both exciting and fascinating. I think that it is a way to take away the financial restrictions and other barriers that…
Looking at data and privacy in technology was quite eye-opening for me. I have always known about big tech companies mining your personal information, and I have seen…
Kahoot! Kahoot is an online, game-based learning platform, where users create, share, and play fun quizzes and trivia games. It can be accessed on a web browser, phone,…